Omega Skinz Digital Print Vehicle Wrapping Films
New State-of-the-Art Printable Wrap Films
Omega-Skinz presents a unique series of Printables
A unique series of printable films developed for wrapping passenger cars, commercial vehicles, motorbikes, boats, etc.
- All films are printable with solvent, latex and UV printing systems.
- The metallic and pearlescent particles in the white print film create a luxurious effect
Vehicle wrappingFurniture WrappingInterior Decoration Part WrapsIndoor UseOutdoor Use
Make beautiful creations with Omega Skinz Printable Wrap
Looking to give your wrap the wow factor, then Omega-Skinz printables with their excellent ink absorption offers enhanced colour depth. Utilising metallic pigments Omega Skinz printables offer a high-class look not found on standard printable wrap films.
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